by Norman Wright Jr.


by Norman Wright Jr.


7 tips for creating a great digital billboard advertisement!

An advertisement is only as good as the results received you set out to achieve.

~Norman Wright Jr.

When it comes to creating an effective billboard advertisement, you need to focus on a few key elements to help you achieve your marketing objective. Sometimes your goal is to help nurture and strengthen a brand/name to increase recognition, or to promote a sale or an event. In other cases, you may want to announce a new product or service. You may also find yourself just trying to guide your audience to turn left or right to get to your location.

No matter what you are looking to accomplish, you need to make sure your billboard advertisement is driving home a single, clear-cut message that gets results.

Here are 7 Tips to help you shape your Digital Billboard Advertisement –

  1. Work with the exact dimensions and ad specs of the billboard. Don’t create an ad and try to stretch it to fit. Be intentional with your layout.
  2. Determine what your objective is for this advertisement. Clearly define what you want to accomplish.
  3. Shape your message.
    • What is the single most important thing you want them to take away?
    • Make it as concise and to the point as possible.
    • See if you can make the message more powerful using less words. (less is more).
    • Make sure your message is of importance or of value to your audience.
    • If possible (highly recommended) establish an offer or promo code that is unique to the advertisement so you can track where the person came from.
    • Establish a call to action – what do you want them to do next (be clear).
  4. Use an image that will arrest their attention.
  5. Remember, less is more. That being said, make your layout clean and easy to comprehend at a glance.
  6. Try to use the “Z Scanning” method for laying out the ad. People read from the top left corner, over to right and then diagonally to the left corner ending at the bottom right corner.
  7. Color usage: Use colors that won’t blend in with the background. i.e., blue sky, green trees, etc. You want your colors to POP!

Of course, these are just 7 tips to help you get the results you are looking for out of your advertisement… there are other factors to take into consideration in developing your advertisement and overall OOH Marketing Strategy.

Give us a call at 412-680-8454 to consult with our True Light team to help you reach your goals.