by Norman Wright Jr.


by Norman Wright Jr.


5 Billboard Advertising Facts You Should Know. True Light Digital Billboards
Digital Billboard Advertising has been on the rise due to its quick updating of messages and is one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising available. Here are five billboard advertising facts:
1. Billboard advertising has been around for over a century, with the first outdoor billboard ads appearing in the late 1800s.
2. The average person spends around 20 hours per week driving or riding as a passenger in a vehicle, making billboards a highly visible form of advertising.
3. Research shows that billboard advertising can be especially effective in reaching younger audiences, with 66% of millennials reporting that they take note of billboard messages while driving.
4. Billboards can have a high ROI, with some studies showing that they can generate up to $5 for every $1 spent on advertising.
5. Digital billboards have become increasingly popular in recent years, with the ability to change messages quickly and target specific audiences based on location or time of day.